You have established a website, what now?

Your law firm website is up and running and you have included all the essential elements: an about page, your areas of practice, and your contact details. What now?

A website is essential to having a successful marketing strategy for your firm, but if you want to maximise the benefit you get from your website, consider implementing innovative digital solutions that provide useful functionality for both you and your clients.

Here are a few digital solutions that can help your firm generate new business and improve client service:


Adding a blog to your website can improve your search engine optimisation (SEO) as well as enhance your credibility in your areas of practice. Search engines like Google and Bing favour content that is high quality and regularly updated. By having a blog with useful content you are more likely to be discovered by someone searching for an answer to a legal question. This kind of marketing helps you capture an audience you otherwise would have missed.

Your blog is an opportunity to display your expertise and position yourself as an authoritative source in your areas of practice. This is persuasive to prospective clients searching for a lawyer. Regularly updated content on your blog also encourages your current clients to return to your website, which increases your website traffic, improves your visibility, and keeps your firm at the forefront of their minds.


A newsletter is a direct communication channel between you and your clients and an effective way to inform clients of recent developments in your firm. You can also use it to direct clients to your latest blog posts, which helps increase your website traffic.

Implementing a short form for website visitors to subscribe to your newsletter is a great way to gather leads and grow your audience. Consider a website tool that enables you to easily insert content into newsletter templates and send out.

Client Testimonials and Reviews

According to a study by Avvo, 84% of clients say online reviews do matter and have a significant impact on their decision-making when it comes to purchasing legal services. Another study by BrightLocal revealed that 88% of people surveyed stated they trusted online reviews written by other consumers just as much as they trusted recommendations from people they knew.

More consumers than ever before are turning to the internet to conduct research before making purchasing decisions. Besides having a website for prospective clients to find online, your firm should have reviews published. Like a poor review, having no reviews at all could damage your reputation and your profitability. Many firms are driven away by fear of a negative review, but remember that a negative review is a good opportunity to show people how your firm responds to feedback and resolves issues.

Appointment Booking

An online appointment booking system offers multiple benefits for your firm that are simply not available with traditional booking methods: it increases your conversion rate by capturing appointments that are booked outside of business hours, it reduces cancellations and no-shows through regular reminders, and it improved the client experience. All of this gives you an edge over your competition.

These are just a few of the innovative solutions available that can help your firm generate more revenue. For more solutions, contact the team at Zaliet.

About our guest author
Rachel Williams

Rachel Williams

Rachel Williams is the CEO of Zaliet, the only global provider of websites to small law firms in the world. Rachel has worked inside small law firms and has delivered technology solutions to small law firms for the past 8 years.

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