Using blog posts to the advantage of your law firm

Blog posts are a great way to showcase your law firm to current and potential clients and referrers. Using blog posts to your advantage means giving clients what they want – valuable and informative content. It also means that you have the opportunity to tailor your marketing and build the firm that you want – generating the work you want and saving you time to do more of it. In this article, we’ll show you how to do just that.

What clients want from a blog

Clients and referrers are looking for informative and valuable content. They want something useful to them. But don’t worry – it’s easier to do than you might think. In fact, often the things that clients find valuable are things lawyers might regard as not important or too simple. People are looking for information online about all sorts of legal topics, from the basic to the complex. Things like what are the benefits of mediation or what to expect when you go to court, for example, are familiar to lawyers but could well be of value to your clients.

Current issues, recent cases and changes in law are also valuable for current and potential clients and referrers. Work out what topics are of value to the people or organisations you want as clients. Then start blogging about those topics. Make sure you craft engaging posts that avoid legal jargon. And remember to highlight how and why the information is valuable to your readers.

Blog posts that build the firm you want

Blogging is also a great way to showcase your expertise and to show that you can communicate on a level that the reader can understand. While the aim is still to create valuable content for your readers, you can highlight different areas of expertise with what you blog about. If you want more family law work, blog about family law issues. If you have just employed a gun employment lawyer, get some employment articles on your blog urgently. The same goes for areas of work you’d rather avoid. If you don’t want any more fencing disputes, don’t blog about them. Focus on blogging about the work you want.

Blog posts can also help address some repeating issues that you or your secretary are currently wasting time over again and again. Blog posts on topics such as what to bring to your first interview, for example, could be a helpful resource you can direct new clients to. It can save you time as well as encourage more interest in your blog.

How to get the most out of your blog posts

The best way to get the most out of your blog posts is to maximise the opportunities for people to read your articles – posting it on the blog on your website is one thing but letting people know about its existence is another. You can do this by also posting a link to the article on facebook or twitter and letting your clients and referrers know about them with an e-newsletter. Sometimes you will need to post more than once on social media to get the results you want, with an e-newsletter, your blog posts are not only published on your website, but delivered via a link to the inboxes of your clients and referrers with a personalised message.

As well as e-newsletters, when and how you write your blog is also important. Sending ongoing and regular communications is a smart marketing plan. It’s also smart to ensure your content is engaging, valuable and readable. Keep your sentences short and simple. Use headings. Avoid legal jargon. Write in plain English. Following these easy tips you’ll soon be on your way to a successful blog that you can use to your advantage.

If you want to know more let me know, we have a range of resources that you might find useful in your marketing. We’re always happy to help.

About the author
Peter Heazlewood

Peter Heazlewood

Peter Heazlewood is a management and marketing consultant, he specialises in helping law firms develop their practices using business planning marketing and performance reporting techniques refined in his own successful law firm. Peter lives in Sydney with his wife and is the father of five adult children.

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