Why Every Law Firm Needs Their Own Newsletter

Your firm is as unique as a fingerprint. Comprised of staff and lawyers, the humans that make up your firm give it an individuality that should be reflected in your marketing. Just like you tailor precedents to fit the situations of individual clients, so your newsletter should fit the situation, specialisations and goals of your clients. You don’t have a lot of time for that sort of thing, do you?

You know you need to communicate with your clients and referrers, we get it, it’s hard to make the time. The statistics below might help your motivation. If you still can’t make the time we might be able to help you out.

Email newsletters – the most successful marketing tool

According to their recent report (a survey conducted of 300 professionals in June 2015) by Ascend2, a research team specialising in digital marketing, 48 % of survey respondents, said that email marketing was the most effective form of marketing to generate leads. The 48% of respondents who found email marketing to be most effective were the largest group, making email marketing the most popular answer to this part of the survey.

It isn’t easy to write a great newsletter

18% of respondents to the above found that even though email newsletters were the most effective marketing tool, they were also the most difficult to execute well.

Why is it so difficult to write a good email newsletter? Well to begin with, a good email newsletter needs to stand out from the crowd. There are, according to Mashable.com, 144.8 billion emails sent each day worldwide. That is a very big pond for your newsletter fish to become a big fish in. Your newsletter email really needs to ‘pop’ – look professional, complement your website and branding, be engaging and draw the client toward your products and/or services.

This is something that we can do to save you some time and get results – create a newsletter that will stand out and stand up to critical perusal by your clients.

Emails are the best way to re-engage your clients

Email marketing firm Listrak has identified that 63% of people on a marketing list or database of clients are inactive. They can be on the client list but not engaged with the list or the company or firm.

Given the positive response that professionals have given to the above survey in relation to the success of marketing with email newsletters, the conclusion can be drawn that marketing newsletters have the strongest draw to encourage clients to re-engage and get back to an involved and business generating relationship.

Email Newsletters are the most effective marketing tool for your firm

The survey of 300 professionals who use internet marketing found that “email newsletters” were the most popular choice to answer the question of “what was the most effective manner of internet marketing” even though 18% of respondents to the same survey found that email newsletters were the most difficult marketing tool. It’s hard to produce engaging content and to publish on a regular basis.

If you need any help we are here to bridge that gap, creating professional and high quality newsletters tailored to your individual firm and your firms’ experience. To reach out and engage with the 63% of inactive clients in your database – we want your email newsletters to ‘pop’ with individuality and success, as a valid representation of the firm that they stand for and your clients will appreciate the topical legal information you are providing to them on a regular basis.


About the author
Brian Hicks

Brian Hicks

Brian has more than twenty years’ experience in marketing and management across diverse industries including legal, real estate, tourism and technology. Brian lives in Sydney with his wife and two daughters.

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