Updated for 2024
Broadcast messages and promote events in your law firm newsletter! It’s a cost-effective and efficient way to tell everyone something – all at once. You can send messages about your firm’s achievements, seasonal greetings or highlight firm events. Broadcasting messages or promoting events in your newsletter can save you the time and hassle of having to tell people the same thing over and over. Here’s how it works.
Benefits of broadcasting with newsletters
So you want to wish your clients and referrers well for the Easter break. You could organise to have cards printed, perhaps a small gift, address the cards, affix a stamp and post them all in time to be delivered before the holiday. Or you could send a personalised message to your entire mailing list at once with a newsletter. So much simpler. Less to organise. Easy to do. Maximum impact.
And it’s not just for Christmas or Easter messages. Your firm could broadcast holiday closing times, office relocations, opening a new location, welcoming new partners, changing your firm name. With these types of messages there is the benefit that everyone gets sent the information at once. Therefore you don’t have to make hundreds of phone calls or wonder whether someone has told a particular person yet. Everyone also gets the same information, so your message is consistent.
Or perhaps there is an event that you want to highlight. It might be an event your firm is hosting, a seminar, for example. It could also be an event your firm is supporting or participating in, such as a charity fun run or morning tea. Both types of events are great for broadcasting in newsletters. Broadcasting events can help to raise the profile of your firm as well as that of the event. It is also an opportunity to show more of your firm’s values and what you stand for, while communicating with a broad audience.
How to broadcast well
When it comes to broadcasting your message well, there are a few key things to bear in mind. As with any good communication, it needs to be properly planned. Make sure you clearly identify your audience and what you want to convey to them. Then prepare your message in a way that will engage your target audience.
Don’t forget that you can also broadcast to segments of your database, rather than everyone. This particularly useful for broadcasting events on specialist topics. In that case it might be appropriate to use more specialist language for an expert audience, rather than the plain English style generally recommended for non-expert audiences.
Regardless of who you are targeting, there is no point broadcasting a great message only to find several people have changed email address and you still have their old details in your database. It is essential to make sure that your database is up to date if you want to broadcast well.
Broadcasting well can also include demonstrating your values. People like you more if they know what you stand for and like your values. If you support a particular charity (particularly if there are deep personal reasons for you, or even a staff member) say what you are doing and why. As long as the charity is well regarded, you will benefit.
A broadcasting success story
At Lift Legal we love sharing the successful outcomes broadcasting brings for our clients. One client gave us a testimonial after he had split from his partners and was launching a new firm. Despite the split being less than perfect, he said he was setting up as a sole practitioner, wished his former partner well and set up a boutique firm. We broadcast this message, explaining the boutique firm, and it made perfect sense. Everyone knew all at once and it avoided him having to make hundreds of phone calls saying the same thing (and not doing any legal work). He was even stopped in the street by people who already knew what was happening and were wishing him well. A great example of successful broadcasting!
Do you have a message or event to share? Want to get started broadcasting messages and events in your law firm newsletter? Contact us at Lift Legal. We have experience broadcasting seasonal messages, announcements and event promotions for law firms around the country. We’d love to bring a broadcasting success story to your firm.