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How to Convert Website Traffic

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High traffic ≠ high revenue

High website traffic doesn’t always translate into revenue. You may be running multiple digital marketing campaigns or spending thousands of dollars on SEO, and still not converting your website traffic into leads. Once you have clients on your website, you must have the necessary tools and assets to capture their details and encourage them to pick up the phone.

No.1 strategy

What is the number one strategy to convert your website traffic into qualified leads?

Downloadable eBooks.

eBooks are tools that can be used on your website to enable conversions. They act as gated content. The best way to convert traffic to leads is to get client contact information by offering great gated content in exchange for their details. Clients are more than happy and willing to share their contact details in exchange for valuable legal information that could assist them in some way.

Having these assets on your website acts as a tool and helps to further build your database.

eBooks provide legal information to clients without giving away too much information. It is accurate enough to offer legal advice, however, does require the client to contact you to get a more personalised direction of their matter.

How it works

The process of including eBooks on your website is simple. How you execute them and what strategy you employ after a client has downloaded the eBook is crucial.

Firstly, you need to write these eBooks to provide legal information that is of value to the client, for example, if you are a family law specialist, then an eBook on Separation & Divorce would be suitable for your audience.

Your eBooks must be tailored with your firm’s branding and contact details, so it encourages the client to contact you once they have read through the information.

Steps to conversion

To take the client through the conversion journey, all systems and processes must be set up correctly. This includes:

1. Call-to-action buttons and banners on your website to drive traffic to download the eBook.
2. Providing clients with information and education, no sales pitch within the eBook.
3. Capturing client details through a pop-up form.
4. Sending a follow-up email acknowledging the client and offering further assistance should they need more information.
5. Ensuring the client is regularly communicated via your firm’s newsletters.

Grow your leads now

The moment clients visit your website, they are there to address a pain point that can be solved by a specific service you offer. If your website does not currently have the tools and assets to provide them with the information they require, it is likely that they will bounce off.

Giving away free information is not a bad thing. It demonstrates that you are an expert in your field. Utilising eBooks to convert traffic to leads has proven to be the number one strategy for many law firms. What is equally as important as how you execute it, and what follow-up strategy your firm has in place once the client has the information.

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